• velvet revolver 維基    相關企業商業資訊
    1. Revolver

      REVOLVERBar / Pub / Music Venue / Art House平日是一間舒適輕鬆的酒吧, 不定期有樂團表演 ie. MSAYS, SKARAOKE, GO CHIC, 等...週末固定有樂團, DJ, 特別活動等等..Taipei Times 報導http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2011/02/25/2003496731

      電話:02-33931678    地址:台北市中正區羅斯福路一段1-2號
    2. 進盟國際貿易有限公司

      ...alized in producing fabric, garment materials, ribbons, webbings, elastic, velvets, and shoe lace related products. Our company was established in 2001 by Daniel Liu, and the President of FRUITFUL was born in 1976 in Taiwan. Through many years continuous efforts and good cooperation with buyers all ...

      電話:04-8815887    地址:彰化縣溪湖鎮海豐路82號
    3. 福茂大勤股份有限公司

      ... expanded in covering all types and style of printing items and which also revolves surrounding products. Our company are currently promoting all types of pressure-seal, continuous report papers valued vouchers such as checks and, pre-paid phone cards which leads us to become a printing manufacture ...

      電話:02-22675588    地址:新北市土城區中山路65-1號

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